Puerto Rican Elderly: Health Conditions Study (PREHCO)

Principal Investigator

Michael Crowe
1530 3rd Ave. S., HMB111
Birmingham, AL 35294, USA
Email: mgcrowe@uab.edu

Data Contact

Michael Crowe
Email: mgcrowe@uab.edu


Setting: Puerto Rico
Start Date: 2002-3
End Date: 2007
Participants: 3516 individuals aged 60+ years
Assessment Schedule: Baseline and follow-up after 4 years
Measures: Sociodemographics, cognition, depression, medical history

Further Information

  • Bell T, Dávila AL, Clay O, et al. The association between cognitive decline and incident depressive symptoms in a sample of older Puerto Rican adults with diabetes. Int Psychogeriatr. 2017 Aug;29(8):1317-1325. doi: 10.1017/S1041610217000746.