COSMIC Research Proposals

CHeBA Consortia - COSMIC
Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium: An international consortium to combine data from population-based longitudinal cohorts studies to identify common risk factors for dementia and cognitive decline.

COSMIC welcomes research proposals from member studies, and from outside investigators wishing to utilise the wealth and diversity of data held by the COSMIC cohorts. All proposals will be reviewed by the COSMIC Scientific Steering Committee, and should be submitted via the Dementias Platform Australia website using the link below:

Dementias Platform Australia – Apply for Data Access

Please note that COSMIC member studies are not committed to providing data for all projects and elect to participate on a project-by-project basis. It is a requirement that any publication using a study’s data involve consultation with the study leader and include them and other members as co-authors.

Also note that proposals from outside investigators require sponsorship by a lead investigator of a COSMIC member study. Details of the member studies and contact details of the lead investigators can be found on this website, and it may be appropriate to seek sponsorship from the leader of a study that has investigated similar issues or holds particularly relevant data.

For any enquiries, contact Darren Lipnicki.