Renji CSVD Cohort Study (RCCS)

Principal Investigator

Professor Qun Xu
Department of Neurology, Renji Hospital
Medical School of Shanghai Jiaotong University
No. 160 Pujian Road, Shanghai 200127


Country China
Principal Investigator Professor Qun Xu
Contact person (email)
Key publication/reference Cao et al. Int Psychogeriatr. 2017; 29;793-803
Sun et al. Front Aging Neurosci. 2016
Years in which study conducted Since 2012, mostly recruited since 2015 (62%)
Size 200
Population: Hospital/community Hospital
Selection: consecutive/random Consecutive (since 2015)
Admit with previous stroke? Yes
Admit with TIA? No
Age range Inclusion criteria: 50–85
Number of centres 1
Control group: number, population, selection 52, community population, age, sex and education matched people with normal cognition and brain imaging
Initial assessment Within 1 week: Med Hx , VRF, NIHSS
First detailed assessment At least 4 weeks after symptomatic stroke due to small vessel disease: NΨ covering attention, executive, memory, language and visuo-spatial function, MMSE and/or MoCA, HDRS
Follow-ups Every one year ( NΨ and MRI) for those with moderate or severe white matter lesions for 4 years (plan)
Stroke-related data  VRFs, NIHSS
Functional tests/data MRS, ADL, IADL
Other medical tests/data Blood analysis
Neuropsychological tests
MRI scans, when and how many Within 1 week (screening MRI: T1, T2 Flair, DWI, MRA) and at least 4 weeks since stroke(research MRI: T1, T2 Flair, SWI, DTI, 3D-MPRAGE, fMRI)
PET scans No
Psychiatric exams Depression (Hamilton)
Dementia diagnosis criteria VCI diagnostic criteria suggested by Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia -A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (Stroke , 2011;42:2672-2713).
Intervention trialled? No

VRF=vascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking etc.); NΨ=neuropsychological battery; Med Hx=medical history; MRS=Modify Rankin Scale