Blog: The Brain Dialogues, filtered by tag: Dr Charlene Levitan

Living to 100

CHeBA Blog: Living to 100
Pictured L-R: Professor Robyn Richmond, Major Cyril Bunny (at 98 years old), Professor Perminder Sachdev AM, Margaret Sommerville (at 99 years old) and Dr Charlene Levitan
DR CHARLENE LEVITAN Centenarians are the fastest growing age worldwide. We can learn about ageing by studying the extremes, especially those who are models of "successful ageing". So how do we live to 100 in good physical and mental health? Approximately 30% of longevity is contributed to be our genes. Parents of centenarians live an average age of 10 years longer than the average life expectancy of the population. Centenarians are four times more likely to have a sibling in their early nineties. The remaining 70% of ingredients relate to the our life style. Montefiore participants in the… Read More