Better Brain. Better Life - FREE PUBLIC FORUM - Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Did you know that one of the biggest global public health challenges in human history is dementia?

Current thinking suggests it takes 25 years for symptoms of dementia to show.  If we can halve the rate of that process, and build it up over 50 years, we can actually delay it showing up in our lifetime at all.

Don’t miss this opportunity to find out what you can do to reduce the risk of dementia and what strategies you can implement to improve your own brain health.  Register today for Better Brain. Better Life – a free public forum presented by expert speakers from the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA).   Morning tea will be provided. 

What:                    Better Brain. Better Life – a free public forum

Where:                 Mounties (

When:                  Wednesday, 19 August

Time:                   10am – 1pm

With more evidence suggesting that many of the risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease don’t just point to genetics but are lifestyle-related, it is imperative we adopt strategies to work toward not just a longer life, but a more capable and enjoyable one.  Better Brain. Better Life will touch on a number of these key areas for brain health including complex mental activity, your heart health and physical activity.  

Importantly, research suggests it is never too early or too late to make minor adjustments to your lifestyle for a better brain and a better life.

Reducing each modifiable risk factor of dementia by 10% would result in significant impacts on worldwide prevalence of dementia, reducing it by more than 8% by 2050.  A 25% reduction in modifiable risk factors would result in an incredible 3 million fewer cases worldwide.

CHeBA experts on brain ageing are: Associate Professor Belinda Goodenough, CHeBA Co-Directors Professor Perminder Sachdev and Professor Henry Brodaty, Dr Nicole Kochan and Professor Maria Fiatarone Singh.  PJ Lane (son of Don Lane and Ambassador for CHeBA) will share his father’s journey with Alzheimer’s disease.


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