Filtered by Tags: Longitudinal studies

Subjective Cognitive Complaints and Dementia


Study Co-Ordinator of CHeBA’s Sydney Memory & Ageing Study, Dr Katya Numbers, was invited to present on participants’ subjective experience of cognitive decline at the 4th Annual Australia Dementia Forum 2019 Conference (ADF) in Hobart in June.

Blog Category

Living to 100

CHeBA Blog: Living to 100
Pictured L-R: Professor Robyn Richmond, Major Cyril Bunny (at 98 years old), Professor Perminder Sachdev AM, Margaret Sommerville (at 99 years old) and Dr Charlene Levitan


Centenarians are the fastest growing age worldwide. We can learn about ageing by studying the extremes, especially those who are models of "successful ageing". So how do we live to 100 in good physical and mental health?