Participate in CogSCAN

Participate in CogSCAN

CogSCAN is the first independent, systematic evaluation of four prominent and widely used computerised cognitive assessment instruments in healthy older adults and in people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

Australian society is increasingly multicultural, with 1 in 5 adults aged over 65 years from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Despite this, limited research has been conducted investigating the suitability, user-friendliness, and acceptability of computer-administered cognitive assessments for older culturally and linguistically diverse Australians.

We are currently seeking volunteers to help evaluate computer-administered cognitive assessments, to see whether they offer a new, culturally-appropriate way to evaluate memory and thinking in older adults. We are interested in understanding how language and cultural factors such as years lived in Australia and age started learning English might influence cognitive test performance. This will help clinicians and researchers improve the diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment and dementia in culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, enabling a fair, accurate, and timely diagnosis for all.

Am I eligible for this research study?

You may be able to participate if you:

  • Are aged 60 years and older, and; 
  • Have good English proficiency (speaking and reading), and; 
  • Can speak a language other than English fluently at a conversational level and/or;
  • Read a language other than English competently.

People of all language and cultural backgrounds are welcome. People with any level of computer experience, or none at all, are welcome.

How can I participate?

Join a Trial - CogSCAN

Online Questionnaire: If you decide to volunteer, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about basic personal information such as your age, education and occupational background, as well as your language experience and cultural background. This will help us better understand the relationship between language and cultural characteristics and performance on cognitive tests.

You can complete the questionnaire on your personal device from anywhere in Australia by clicking here.


We are welcoming new volunteers throughout 2023. If you would like more information or are interested in being part of the study, please contact the study team:

Phone: (02) 9385 0186
Read more: The Brain Dialogues: Addressing Under-representation of CALD Community in Research

Alternatively, if you are interested in supporting the research but do not think these opportunities are right for you, or you do not match the criteria, you are encouraged to pass this invitation along to friends or family members who might be interested.

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