‘It Just Happened’: Centenarians Reveal Secrets of Longevity

CHeBA in the Media: ‘It Just Happened’: Centenarians Reveal Secrets of Longevity
CHeBA in the Media: ‘It Just Happened’: Centenarians Reveal Secrets of Longevity

Exercise, lemon juice, hard work and “it just happened” are all reasons provided for longevity by a cohort of 95-plus Australians involved in the Sydney Centenarian Study.

The study, the largest of its kind with 410 subjects, aims to explore the genetic and environmental factors that underpin successful ageing. Outlining the research at longevity conference in Sydney, the study’s coordinator Adam Theobald from the UNSW’s Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) said physical activity had emerged as the primary factor – at least as far as “the experts” – the centenarians themselves – were concerned.

Other factors for longevity were canvassed at the CHeBA Living To 100 Conference on Friday 7 September, including remaining curious about life, an ability to adapt, good quality and sufficient sleep and education.