Different Exercise Routines Can Change the Bodies and Brains of Those With the Same DNA

CHeBA in the Media: Different Exercise Routines Can Change the Bodies and Brains of Those With the Same DNA
CHeBA in the Media: Different Exercise Routines Can Change the Bodies and Brains of Those With the Same DNA

A fascinating new Australian study of identical twins reveals how different exercise routines can change the bodies and brains of those with the same DNA.

Using identical twins, who have the same genes and who were raised in the same environment, provides researchers an unparalleled opportunity to see how different lifestyle patterns in adulthood make their mark. The study involving 623 twins, triplets and siblings aged 65 and older, found that age-related diseases were attributable to a combination of genetic and environmental causes.

"The brain can be modified in both structure and function through environmental intervention," said chief investigator and CHeBA co-director, Professor Perminder Sachdev.