Taiwan Initiative for Geriatric Epidemiological Research (TIGER)

Principal Investigators

Yen-Ching Chen (Karen)
National Taiwan University
Email: karenchen@ntu.edu.tw

Jen-Hau Chen
National Taiwan University Hospital
Email: jhhchen@ntu.edu.tw

Data Contact

Karen Chen
Email: karenchen@ntu.edu.tw


Setting: Taipei, Taiwan
Start Date: 2011-2013
End Date: -
Participants: 600 individuals aged 65+ years at baseline
Assessment Schedule: Baseline, 4 years, 6 years
Measures: (1) Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Taiwanese version (MoCA-T); (2) medical history, physical performance, ADLs/IADLs; (3) sociological, lifestyle and economic variables; (4) depression; (5) blood tests

Further Information

Further information: Lin Y-H, Chiou J-M, Chen T-F, Lai L-C, Chen J-H, Chen Y-C (2021) The association between metabolic syndrome and successful aging- using an extended definition of successful aging. PLoS ONE 16(11): e0260550.